Thursday, October 7, 2010

Percentage PSLE 2010 P2 Q14

14.  Mrs Cheng bought a bag and a pair of shoes at a discount. She spent a total of $57.60 on these two items. She spent $9.60 more on the shoes than on the bag.

(a) How much did she spend on the shoes?

(b) The total discount given for the two items was $22.40. She was given a 25% discount for the bag. What was the percentage discount given for the shoes?

S  +  B   --> $57.60

S  -  B  -->  $9.60

2 S  -->  57.60  +  9.60  =  $67.20

S  -->  67.20 / 2  =  $33.60

a) She spent $33.60 on the shoes.

B  -->  57.60  -  33.60  =  $24

75%  -->  $24

25%  -->  25 / 75 x  24  =  $8

22.40  -  8  =  $14.40

33.60  +  14.40  =  $48

14.40 / 48  x  100%  = 30%

b) The percentage discount given for the shoes was 30%.

1 comment:

  1. As appeared in PSLE 2010 exam:

    Mrs Cheng bought a bag and a pair of shoes at a discount. She spent a total of $57.60 on these two items. She spent $9.60 more on the shoes than on the bag.

    (a) How much did she spend on the shoes?

    (b) The total discount given for the two items was $22.40. She was given a 25% discount for the bag. What was the percentage discount given for the shoes?
